Trust The Professionals

Why We Specialize in Bedbugs

Three decades of service and thousands of happy customers.

We didn’t always specialize in bed bugs – At Tricity Pest Control we have for decades serviced all the needs of the properties under our care. Roaches, mice, carpenter ants, wasp, and bedbugs, to name a few. We have the same building and properties that we started with and kept them for decades. We deal with personal homes, community housing, condos, apartments, and townhouses. Our business contacts are the property managers that forward this work to us and we appreciate the work that does flow to tricity pest control, but we really enjoy is the relationships we formed with families as we help them through situations they never expected to have.

It was never the plan to specialize in bedbug control it just happened, but there is some pride in being able to get a family or an individual through what will likely be one their worst experience in the home. At least in that moment in time!

We love our relationships with the property managers and solving their problems in this regard, but I’m more drawn to helping out that family. The extermination business is a service business, and to truly succeed, you must love providing that service of help (Read our Google Reviews). It is what has kept tricity going for the last three decades.

It is this that has made Tricity decide to focus on bedbug control.

I won’t refuse a good cockroach infestation, of course, but bedbugs are where I can give the most help.

We all hear the stories of bedbug infestations that won’t go away, but I’ve not yet experienced it.

It’s because of that I feel Tricity Pest Control can serve best by focusing our full attention on bedbug elimination.

Specialize in Bed Bugs

Specialize in Bed Bugs - Residential and Commercial Property Solutions

We offer Scalable Pest Management Solutions for Property Management Companies

Another Happy Customer
